Solar IPP Project Development, EPC & O&M

Dantata Solar Ltd is one of the pioneer developers of successfully licensed solar PV IPPs in Nigeria. It has also promoted green power supply initiatives in Nigeria's education (e.g. universities) and agricultural  sectors. This is exemplified by the 10 MW IPP project in the University of Ibadan which was initiated with Nigerian and German governments within the framework of the Nigerian German Energy Partnership (NGEP) with key partners such as NovaPower - Read More

Corporate off-grid solar PV and hybrids:

Businesses in areas currently not connected to the Nigerian national power grid, especially large agricultural clusters require alternative off-grid power supply solutions and currently rely solely on very expensive diesel power generation sets. Solar PV hybrids are very good alternatives for common load profiles in the agricultural sector in Nigeria.

Dantata Solar Ltd has focused on these types of customers as well as companies in urban areas and cities who are currently spending a lot on diesel generation due to the continued inadequate supplies from the national grid.